Saturday, July 08, 2006

farah asked me to do this...oh well.

Farah asked me to do this, juz to prove i can multi-task, heres it.

Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people. At the end of it all, choose 5 people to do this.

1. Ronald
2. Constance
3. Yu Xuan
4. Huitian
5. Siheng
6. Farah
7. Beatrice
8. Aubrey
9. Joyce Tan
10. Melinda
11. Yi Hao
12. Yonglin
13. Tzehui
14. Shixuan
15. Zhen xiang
16. Zhen han
17. Siew Ying
18. Yun kai
19. Wei nan
20. Jin wen

How did you meet #14?
[shixuan] through huiguan

what would you do if u never met #1?
[ronald] rather dull?

What would you do if #20 and #9 dated?
[jinwen, joyce] disaster!

Did you ever like #19?
[wei nan] a fren, yes

Would #6 and #7 make a good couple?
[farah& beatrice] lesbians only...

Describe #3
[yuxuan] haha he IS me, afterall right twin!?

Do you think #8 is attractive?
[aubrey] quite?

Tell me something about #7
[beatrice] black eye rings! ^^

Do you know any of #12's family?
[yonglin] yes for blood family and yes also for her others :)

What are #8's favourites?
[aubrey] screaming and going crazy wif joyce

What would you do if #18 confesses that he/she likes you?
[yunkai] ...slap him hehe ^^

What language does #15 speak?
[zhenxiang] english and chinese...

Who is #9 going out with?
[joyce how] would i know? someone in canada??

How old is #16 now?
[zhenhan] hmmm... 16

When was the last time you spoke to #13?
[tzehui] quite some time ago

Who is #2's favourite singer/band?
[constance] no idea...

Would you ever date #17?
[siewying] nope

Is #15 single?
[zhenxiang] DUH HES ONLY P5!

What is #10's last name?
[melinda] siyu?

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with #11?
[yihao] nope im nt gay

What school does #3 go to?
[yuxuan] hci

Where does #6 live?
[farah] no idea...why wld i wanna know? unless...

What's your favourite thing about #5?
[siheng] hes a great fren and computer genius!hmmm ya hes a great fren

Ever seen #1 naked?
[ronald] NO...

five people, hmmm im nt so free to decide, maybe farah can do it again so...

yeap tts all folks


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