Thursday, July 27, 2006


oh phew, things are finally settling down now...i hope...
dance having performance this weekend, i wld like to hereby wish yiyang and huitian and early happybirthday! haha...well, im starting to get pissed wif my class....especially wif some people, i juz cant stand them already. i hope they do change so tt it can be a better learning environment where both tchers and students benefit haha...SC has slightly lesser duties and events now, now tt tcher day nt in my hands i got speechday T-T lol...its better than nothing and cheerful now, although my faces dun tell it all but i am cheerful nw. well tts all folks, i think im gng to slp alr gdnite readeers

[i love eu]

Friday, July 21, 2006


something is seriously screwing up my life and i dunno whats that....plunging grades, hectic council, troublesome ccas...wad more can i ask for? haiz...i sometimes feel very left out and i dunno why, im distracted these few days which led to many discrepancies on my forgetting duty, troubled and frustrated easily...haiz, perhaps i aim too high for myself? but the sky is not the limit...

Saturday, July 15, 2006

walks of life

haha took part in my first flag day was at west mall
10am i reported and collected the tin, then i mingled around before heading off to toapayoh where i knew that the crowd is always friendly...
true enough i wasn't fooled and i got really acceptable response except for a few blur blur ones haha wad the hell am i saying? i got many ppl to donate in short hahahahah then i met zhenhan there, talked for a while about confidential stuff then he went home alr...haha it was nice to see him again, still big size as always ^^ cheerful guy he is. then i continued to "farm" haha dota term...then before i knew it i saw victoria haha wif her fren or someone i dunno haha, same thing she donated then go off le. at around 130pm i decided to slack and head back west mall where i returned my tin wif pleasure.

im so bored nw, anything for me to do?


Thursday, July 13, 2006

haiz HAHA

well, juz to update my blog abit...

Pirates Of The Carribean: Dead Man's Chest

Nice Plot, but have to say abit one part which i though was not relevant to the plot at all. but that part was hilarious.seriously.

tts all ive got, cya readers

Saturday, July 08, 2006

farah asked me to do this...oh well.

Farah asked me to do this, juz to prove i can multi-task, heres it.

Name 20 people you can think of right now. Don't read the questions until you have named the 20 people. At the end of it all, choose 5 people to do this.

1. Ronald
2. Constance
3. Yu Xuan
4. Huitian
5. Siheng
6. Farah
7. Beatrice
8. Aubrey
9. Joyce Tan
10. Melinda
11. Yi Hao
12. Yonglin
13. Tzehui
14. Shixuan
15. Zhen xiang
16. Zhen han
17. Siew Ying
18. Yun kai
19. Wei nan
20. Jin wen

How did you meet #14?
[shixuan] through huiguan

what would you do if u never met #1?
[ronald] rather dull?

What would you do if #20 and #9 dated?
[jinwen, joyce] disaster!

Did you ever like #19?
[wei nan] a fren, yes

Would #6 and #7 make a good couple?
[farah& beatrice] lesbians only...

Describe #3
[yuxuan] haha he IS me, afterall right twin!?

Do you think #8 is attractive?
[aubrey] quite?

Tell me something about #7
[beatrice] black eye rings! ^^

Do you know any of #12's family?
[yonglin] yes for blood family and yes also for her others :)

What are #8's favourites?
[aubrey] screaming and going crazy wif joyce

What would you do if #18 confesses that he/she likes you?
[yunkai] ...slap him hehe ^^

What language does #15 speak?
[zhenxiang] english and chinese...

Who is #9 going out with?
[joyce how] would i know? someone in canada??

How old is #16 now?
[zhenhan] hmmm... 16

When was the last time you spoke to #13?
[tzehui] quite some time ago

Who is #2's favourite singer/band?
[constance] no idea...

Would you ever date #17?
[siewying] nope

Is #15 single?
[zhenxiang] DUH HES ONLY P5!

What is #10's last name?
[melinda] siyu?

Would you ever be in a serious relationship with #11?
[yihao] nope im nt gay

What school does #3 go to?
[yuxuan] hci

Where does #6 live?
[farah] no idea...why wld i wanna know? unless...

What's your favourite thing about #5?
[siheng] hes a great fren and computer genius!hmmm ya hes a great fren

Ever seen #1 naked?
[ronald] NO...

five people, hmmm im nt so free to decide, maybe farah can do it again so...

yeap tts all folks

Wednesday, July 05, 2006


haiz...juz a little announcement to readers, i've joined HYDance whether u like it or not. haha

laugh all you want, but i will prove u tt hydance is gonna get a gold at least in next year's syf! im confident of its potential now tt im exposed to them alr.

enuf abt announcements, live is getting more and more hectic. im skipping many lessons which i hate to but have no choice but to skip and the homework load is increasing and my doubts are surgingthe more lessons i dun attend, the more i dunno, the later i'll be handing up homework and the more i dunno how to do, the more punishments i'll get, the more times i'll fail my tests, the more i get demoralised and the more I WILL FAIL MY EXAMS. dammit, council work is really tough. frankly speaking, i have no idea wad the hell zx is doing and kt seems to be heading in no specific directions as a leader. darn im too tied up wif so many things...i still hav some bit of competitions from my ex-CCA tmr and next week and i have nt trained for ten months?? my life is slowly screwing up and winding up maybe even. if i dun find time soon i'll really die becos i have lack of time. but one thing is for sure, i dunno how to seize time. i love my computer so much tt i cant bear to off it once i on it. tts a con on myside im telling u ppl nw.nxt monday theres a free assembly spot where breakdancers and a singer didnt wanna perform forging an even reinforced headache in my brain. seriously ive tot of dropping all my duties at one go but i cant seem to leave my frens behind and even more i cant bear to leave them as i love to work as a team. dang seriously i'm running short of time, anyone wanna sell your time for me to exploit???

haha juz kidding
takecare readers